Detective Comics #426


DC ⋅ 1972

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Issue Details




Len Wein


Dick Giordano


Michael Kaluta

Cover Artist

Michael Kaluta


August 1972


KILLER'S ROULETTE! Batman sets out to uncover the secret behind the suicides of three wealthy compulsive gamblers and finds that they had all been tricked into playing russian roulette. Bruce Wayne poses as a gambler on a gambling ship and he comes across the man responsible for the crimes. He allows the crook to lure him into his private russian roulette game, but once they find themselves alone, Bruce switches into Batman and the game starts. Each of them take turns to spin the gun's barrel and taking chances with the gun. Finally, Batman has survived all his five turns and it is up for the crook to pull the trigger with the barrel full. The goon tries to shoot at Batman, but the Dark Knight has jammed the weapon using the same trick the crook has used to win all his previous gambles. Finally, Batman captures the killer and ends the killer's roulette. TRAIL OF THE FADEAWAY FOOTPRINTS!

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